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Grade2XL organized an event of technological watch to raise awareness about WAAM

On the 30th of November 2021, a physical dissemination action organized by Grade2XL occurred in the Technocampus Océan, a R&D platform of the Region Pays de La Loire in the West of France.

EMC2, a French cluster for Advanced Manufacturing, is the dissemination leader of Grade2XL project. It had organized a technological watch event entitled “Matinée Techno to raise awareness about WAAM*. It featured 5 conferences, a workshop and networking breaks. Parts produced with additive manufacturing processes and in particular with WAAM* technique were exhibited such as a boat propeller, a rotor of a pump and a mold for an aerospace part.

Among the 5 conferences chosen for their approach focusing on industrial use-case, Grade2XL project was introduced by Anne-Sophie THORR, Welding Engineer IWE at NAVAL GROUP and Hervé MOTTE, Industrial Development & Innovation Manager at ARRK Shapers’. The work on the B3-Demonstrator, a mold for plastic injection, had been highlighted. In addition, INTEGRADDE project which have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820776 was introduced to the audience during a conference by IRT Jules Verne and Loiretech.

Despite a busy production agenda these months for most of the members of the local community, the event gathered 30 people of two Grade2XL target groups: industrial engineers designing metallic parts and researchers on advanced manufacturing processes.

*WAAM: Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing



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